Cragaig on the south side of Ulva

UPDATE – Community Buy-out Bid

The Howard Family would like to make the following statement with regards to the information that is being provided to those eligible to vote on the Ulva buyout proposal. Voters should be aware that much of this information provided with the ballot papers is extremely biased and ill-informed. It is only fair that those with a vote are given the correct and accurate facts and figures before making their final decision.

Furthermore, we would like to reiterate that we only want the best for Ulva and its future.

Jamie Howard recently met Mull Councillor, Mary Jean Devon, to discuss with her the number of people on Mull, in particular, North Mull, who had approached him to express their concern at the ability of NWMCWC Ltd. to properly manage Ulva should they be successful in their buyout bid. It was felt that they would struggle to find suitable funding both for the purchase and development of the island, running into many millions of pounds. Mary Jean Devon has passed on these concerns to Mike Russell MSP.

The NWMCWC Ltd. stated in their promotional literature recently that if the buyout was unsuccessful then Ulva will be sold to the highest bidder. This is not necessarily the case.

When Ulva was placed on the market (all marketing has now ceased according to the rules regarding Community Buyouts) potential buyers intimated that they wished to invest in the infrastructure of the island which included building on the successful tourist businesses currently operating.

The Howard family would like to offer reassurance that should the buyout bid fail and Ulva is purchased by a private individual they will make every effort to ensure the following:

  • Security of tenure for current residents
  • Maintenance of The Boathouse restaurant and public ferry service, including use of the piers by the fishermen
  • That sufficient and appropriate investment will be made to the infrastructure on the island

There is a very good chance of finding the right buyer with the funds required to both purchase and sustainably develop the island. Private investment in Ulva would not only bring great opportunities for local employment it would also encourage an increase in tourism activities and visitor numbers throughout the year, as well as potential investment in locally initiated projects all at minimal cost to the already thinly stretched Public Purse.

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